Hugo’s Story
Percy and Dexter, our two miniature Dachshunds are our first Dogs and are the loves of our lives.
Percy and Dexter
We had thought about getting another Puppy but decided against it and we said we’d only get another Dog if one ever needed a home.This is when I registered our names on The Red Foundation database after having contact with Sharon and hearing so many good things about them. It’s one thing registering interest, but, nothing quite prepares you for getting that phone call from TRF admin say there’s a Dog who needs a home – can you help?
This is what we signed up for so I asked Helen to send me the details. She told me he was a big lad for 19 weeks, with his present owners for only 4 weeks, unfortunately their marriage was breaking down and couldn’t keep him. They had taken great care of him and he wanted for nothing, he wasn’t a rescue, just needed to be re-homed.
I discussed this briefly with my wife Amanda and we of course said we’d take him.
That was the moment I promised to look after him forever.

Our first photo of Hugo as a Puppy
Before going to his first owners, Hugo had been smuggled into the UK from a Hungarian Puppy Farm and sold by a backyard puppy seller as a miniature – he certainly wasn’t a mini! Thankfully he’s in great health, but I can’t stop thinking about his poor Mother.
The day after Helen called we got Hugo’s address and arranged to pick him up. This in itself was a difficult thing to do – it was a massive decision for his current owners and I hadn’t realised how emotional it would be for all of us.
I kept thinking about Hugo, how he was waking up as normal, but, that day his life was going to change forever
We took Percy and Dexter into the house to meet him on his territory, I went into the house first, Hugo was in the back garden and came running in wagging his tail to greet me, he looked so happy, all I could say was “hello mate”
Such a beautiful looking lad, very friendly and full of fun.
It was a tearful goodbye as they obviously loved him – the last thing I said to them was I promise to look after him and love him forever.
We got him home, took him for a walk on the beach and he settled in very quickly. His only issue was his runny tummy, he came to us on Royal Canin and Hills Vet I/D food to try him settle his stomach. I started him immediately on a Raw diet and his stomach symptoms cleared up straight away – he’s never looked back!

I was filling in Hug’s adoption papers, I looked around and he was looking at me like this.
After a few teething problems, mainly to do with having three male Dogs, Hugo’s become an amazing part of our family.
He’s a beautiful Dog, so big and strong, 12kg of solid muscle, amazing temperament, so friendly, he’s loved by everyone, he loves everyone. Every day is a new adventure for him. He loves running on the beach, through the woods,barking through the window, playing with new friends – the bigger the better – he loves a bit of rough and tumble.
Hugo loves life and it’s such a pleasure to enjoy it with him. We couldn’t imagine life without him. We all adore him and absolutely love him. He’s a helluva lad.
Amanda and I are eternally grateful to The Red Foundation for bringing Hugo into our lives.
We are incredibly proud to give him his forever home and to be part of this amazing organisation
Thank You xxxxx

Percy, Dexter and Hugo Dawson aka The Sausage Brothers

He’s a big lad!

Dawson Family Vacation

The Main Man